Art by Stacey K. Phillps
After an eight-week online Mind-Body
Skills Group, Stacey K. Phillips
drew this beautiful representation
of her experiences with the group sessions.
What People Are Saying…
"Across eight consecutive weekly sessions, we learned about breathing techniques to promote relaxation, meditation and mindfulness, and the power of visual imagery. We used drawing and imaginary interviewing as strategies to gain insight into our individual challenges, and potential solutions. We tried novel physical exercises and dances to unlock tension. We even tackled nutrition, and eating for both health and pleasure. From each activity, I was able to draw at least one small nugget that I could bring forward in my day-to-day, to promote mental, emotional, and physical wellness. I will forever remember these sessions, and I am again so thankful to Jason for including me. He guided these sessions with a firm knowledge of the connection between mind and body, and its implications for health. He is a remarkably kind person and physician, and is dedicated to this work. As such, and given that each of us stands to gain, I highly recommend the program."
— Stu (Cardiologist)
"From the first meeting I felt supported and I felt relief of long pent-up stress and frustration. Being part of the program helped me to realize some things I need to incorporate into my daily life to help with the accumulated stress. The people in the group were great, very supportive and I felt some much-needed nurturing. I would highly recommend this group to anyone looking for resources in dealing with stress."
— Lisa (Physical Therapist)
”This a wonderful time-limited group experience where I discovered new "wellness" techniques and formed meaningful connections with others. It's a great way to "re-set" one's own innate inclinations toward health and well being and can be a good starting point for deeper processes of self inquiry and change. Thank you Jason!
-Betty Ann (Clinical Psychologist)
"The anxiety and stress of living in a complex post-pandemic world, coupled with a crazy urban environment, triggered a “fight or flight” response almost on a daily basis. Prior to joining the first session, I was skeptical. I am not an individual that opens up to anyone, let alone to a group of people that I don’t know. However, the impact towards mental healing was immediate. I felt comfortable with my fellow group participants. Their sheer presence and sharing of their own experiences offered a sense of genuine compassion that I did not know could ever be achieved through virtual interaction."
— Dave (Financier)
What People Are Saying…
“I took the class with an open mind but had some initial reservations about it. Having had little experience with personal mindfulness in the past, I wasn’t sure if the “stuff” really worked or not. But my life was very stressful and I wanted a change! Dr Jason Cooper led the class and he did an amazing job! I thought two hours would be too long of a time. But then something amazing happened! Dr. Cooper encouraged us and I became “hooked”. Each week Dr Cooper taught a new lesson and each week I learned more about myself and my body. Dr. Cooper managed the group exceptionally well - he created a safe place to discuss our lives and showed we each could grow and change for the better despite our individual circumstances. And for that, I will be forever grateful!”
— Anita (Family Doctor)
“Jason taught stress management skills and techniques that enabled me to reach a new level of relaxation. I was able to employ these methods almost seamlessly throughout my day. The group dynamics were powerful and to some extent the virtual format allowed me to share more comfortably from my home environment than I may have in person. Dr. Cooper is a great listener and a wonderful communicator - we were lucky to have him mediate our spiritual journey. I cannot recommend the workshop highly enough!.”
— Mark (Internal Medicine Doctor)
“Without learning self care and introspection through this process I don’t know how I would be able to do what I do for all the people I am called to care for. The breathing techniques have been life changing! As care givers no one teaches us how to care for ourselves in this journey in medicine. I also have woven this beautiful practice/the techniques into my own personal faith journey as a Christian. I had a lot of fear going into this: “How do I ‘label’ meditation? Where do I ‘put’ this? Can it co-exist with my core beliefs?” It has only strengthened my belief and helped me make more room for quiet introspection and helped me with deeper connection with God.”
— Mina (Family Doctor)
“Jason provided a comfortable and safe environment in which we could all share our feelings and experiences “without judgment.” Jason guided the group with thoughtfulness and care that allowed my self-conscious feelings to dissolve. In the weeks since the Mind-Body Workshop, I have used the tools I learned to control the physical manifestations of my anxiety, improve my relationships, eat more mindfully, and accept my feelings without judgment. I find myself replicating the mindful environment with my family. This is a gift that Jason has given not just to me, but to my children, as well. I am sincerely grateful to have had this experience. Jason truly has a radiant heart.”
— Stacey (Architect)
What People Are Saying…
"Since I prefer one-on-one sessions, we scheduled a series of individual appointments during which we defined goals, a means to achieve them, and a safe and stress-free environment for me to practice old and new techniques. Dr. Cooper’s warm and empathetic personality combined with his fantastic healing skills transported me to a state of mind during these sessions which is hard to describe in words. I can only attest to the very deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewed energy I feel at the end of each session. The experience is akin to connecting to a very powerful charger lifting your spirit and energy, while slowing you to a complete rest simultaneously.
In addition to the immediate effects of each session, Dr. Cooper provides a smorgasbord of techniques that allow me to pick the most appropriate journey for each session, and retain those suitable for me for future use. These experiences will surely benefit me even when we are done with our sessions, and improve my holistic well-being. Thank you, Dr. Cooper!"
— Helik (Retired Consultant)
“I can’t thank Dr. Cooper enough for the engaging mind-body individual sessions. Each session was highlighted by his personable demeanor, compassionate approach, and valuable insight. I do not have prior experience using breathwork, meditation, or any mind-body techniques. I was hopeful to learn something that would be beneficial. During each session, Dr. Cooper provided instruction on a different technique, and the surprising result was an amazing sense of calmness and relaxation.
During this early stage of learning and practicing, there have been positive results that I can directly connect to the use of the mind-body tools and skills that I learned from Dr. Cooper. The difference in how I feel today is a welcome reminder of why I continue to use and practice these techniques.
— Leah (Retired Consultant)
“What a wonderful group you led!! The information, skills, and, techniques were so enriching. Holding the space for us to process was so lovely!!! I am a better therapist having gone through the group, and a more centered person having been exposed to the experiences. Thank you for sharing yourself your skills and your heart with us. How lucky the group is! How lucky the medical community is! How lucky I am to have you in our lives … I wanted you to know how much I have been appreciating the skills that you have taught us. I find myself using them with clients often and they are very effective. And personally, I am loving expressive meditation. Thank you for all that you have offered us