Frequently Asked Questions
What if I already practice some mind-body skills, like journaling or meditation? Would a group or individual session still be helpful for me?
Yes! Even if you meditate, journal regularly, or practice other mindfulness techniques, MBHA’s Mind-Body Skills Groups and individual sessions can still be extremely helpful. We offer a supportive atmosphere and an exploration of many mind-body approaches. Clients will learn new techniques to deepen their mindfulness practices, giving them more tools to cope with emotional, physical, and psychological challenges. Clients often say they develop a deeper level of awareness within their day-to-day lives and use the techniques to remain resilient while facing a multitude of stress-inducing situations.
What if I’ve never practiced mind-body skills, or I’m skeptical about the benefits of meditation or other mind-body techniques?
Calling all novices and skeptics! The great thing about MBHA’s group and individual offerings is that we meet you where you are. The sessions are flexibly designed to teach mind-body skills to participants with absolutely no experience as well as those with decades of experience. Belief in mind-body techniques is not necessary to realize their benefits. Simply put, you do not need to believe in the validity of mind-body medicine in order for it to work. Indeed, all that is necessary is an open mind and full participation in the course.
Why are the Mind-Body Skills Groups online?
The groups are online because people often feel more comfortable in their own spaces. The online format also cuts down the stress of commuting to a central location after a busy workday. In addition, people from different geographical areas can participate in the same group. Another unexpected benefit is that we can see one another’s faces up close at the same time on the screen, whereas when we are in person, our focus is more limited. We find that the group dynamic creates unique and powerful learning opportunities as we reflect and listen to one another.
Individual sessions are offered either online or in person. Being in the same room with a client allows Jason to provide intensive healing specifically designed for the individual. Jason can also use hands-on healing techniques such as Reiki. If you have very specific or deep-seated trauma, individual sessions may be the better option for you. Jason will have one hour to work with you one-on-one as you tap into your innate healing potential.
What are the rules for participation in Mind-Body Skills Group?
Confidentiality, mutual respect, punctuality, participation, home practice, and commitment